lips need lipstick

January 9, 2011

New kid on the beauty block

I’m baffled as to why it’s taken me this long to start a blog about beauty; after all writing about beauty is how I earned a living for three years. Despite possessing an arsenal of beauty know-how, I hesitated to share it with you all because I figured why would the world wide web need another beauty blog? I got over that. Truth be told, I’d like to believe that things will be different around here.
In the spirit of complete disclosure: My goal isn’t only to share what I’ve learnt, but to provide you with insider access to beauty trends, product launches and expert advice...the kind of thing you thought you’d only be privy to by paging through a glossy magazine. I must admit that there’s certain bits of info that come your way when you’re friends with Beauty Ed’s, know the best derms in the city and have worked with the best hair and make-up artists. Come here to get a no-frills approach to products and trends to help you figure out what’s worth your time and money. Think of me as your beauty BF.


  1. I'm inlove with your blog LnL:) why DIDN'T you start it like ages ago??? You are such expert on beauty tips:) much appreciated... Love G xoxo

  2. Hi, G

    Thanks for your enthusiasm about the blog. I wouldn't say that I'm an expert, I just really love playing with make-up,hunting for trends and putting what the pro's tell me to work. So, if you're in to that kind of thing too then please join in on the girly fun!

