lips need lipstick


The products you read about on Lips need Lipstick are products I've tried & tested during my time as a beauty ed. You're kind of priviledged because you get to benefit from my not- always- glam experimentations with the good, the oh so yummy, pricey and the sometimes downright not- worth- the- jar it came in beauty stuff, without lifting a box. My primary goal is to chat about products that rock my world; meaning I have to reeeally, reeeally like or use them to tell you about them.

However, I could be called upon by beauty companies to review their products and treatments, and if I decide to do so it will be stated in my post. Being approached by beauty houses or pr companies help to keep both you and I better informed about beauty innovation, trends and fundamentally what's worth spending our time and money on- after all you are here for the best beauty advice, are you not? I definitely don't want my readers to miss out on updates from international make-up artists or to be the last to glimpse at new products that hit our shores-luckily all this can still be achieved while we still possesses the freedom to right about what reeeally gets our cheeks blushing.
LnL welcomes press releases and invitations to review beauty products or services. However, LnL reserves the right not to post a review, and all reviews will be my honest assessment of the product, launch or service.
(Please note Lips need Lipstick is a Cape Town based beauty blog)

IMAGES is one of the primary outside sources I use for images and I aim to credit images on LnL that come from outside sources to the best of my ability. If an image has been credited incorrectly or you would like it to be removed from the blog, please email me at