lips need lipstick


WELCOME  to Lips need Lipstick!

Hi, I’m Lameez. This is where I will diarise my musings on beauty trends, share chats with beauty pro’s and buzz about new products.

I’ve covered the beauty industry for three years as Beauty Editor for O, The Oprah Magazine SA and have built up a black book of go-to prettifiers: derms, make-up artists, and hairstylists that have my friends conspiring to nab it. As beauty ed I have had fun judging two very prestigious awards in the SA beauty industry: Marie Claire Prix d' Excellence de la Beaute Award (2008 and 2009) and Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Award (2009).
I started this blog for two reasons: firstly to break the belief that great beauty advice can only be found in a magazine and to stop startling myself with my beauty knowledge when I suddenly blurt out a solution to a friends’ beauty dilemma. It’s dawned on me that I have learnt a thing or two and it’s time I share. This will be the place where I answer every question a friend has ever asked me-Who should I go to for the best hair colour? What’s your favourite skincare product? How do you become a beauty editor? And simply get caught-up in the world of beauty...I invite you to become enthralled with me.
Questions, comments or want to say hello?
Please feel free to email me at


  1. Im a reader in Japan and I really like yr beauty tip about orange lipstick - will definitely try it out :)

    Since Spring is approaching how about showcasing Spring beauty trends ? Im sure many readers would like that

    Also if u haf a bit of time do pop by - a site that caters best-selling Japanese cosmetics worldwide

    Keep up the good work and I have yr blog bookmarked already :)

  2. Hi,

    Thanks fo making contact!

    You've read my mind, I'm preparing a post on my top make-up trends from the Spring runway shows. However South Africa is appraoching autumn, so I look at ways in which the Spring trends will function for our grey winters.

    Will definitely checkout your site!

    Don't be a stranger to LnL
